Tagged: Birthday

Happy Birthday MLBlogs

Today marks the 4th anniversary of MLBlogs so I would like to wish MLBlogs a Happy Birthday. I have only been her for a year with taking a huge break in the middle but MLBlogs has been here for a long time.

Letter from Johan

If you didn’t know, today is Johan Santana’s birthday. The people at the Daily Stache made a letter from Johan for his birthday wish list. This includes:

  1. David Wright start hitting the other way again.
  2. Jose Reyes run the bases smarter.
  3. K-Rod not blow the saves the bullpen blew last year.
  4. Castillo to perform.
  5. Murphy to have patience when he hits
  6. Feliciano to get all lefties out
  7. Castro to stay healthy
  8. Church to know his limits.
  9. Omar Minaya drop Freddie Garcia and Tim Redding
  10. Fred Wilpon to be honest.
  11. Mr. Met to get angry and give the players a boost.
  12. Fernando Martinez stay healthy.
  13. Jerry Manual not to over analyze things.
If the Mets would do these things then they would be impossible to beat. One thing I would add would be sign Pedro unless the Mets and Johan know something is wrong with him. I would also add to number 4 that if Castillo doesn’t perform then release him and move on. Don’t keep trying to get him going because he didn’t last year and he might not (and in my mind won’t) turn things around ever. He has hurt knees and it will be hard to get him back.